Greens to ‘talk to other parties’ about Hampstead and Kilburn

THE Greens met yesterday and selected candidates for the general election. As expected, Sian Berry will stand against Keir Starmer in Holborn and St Pancras, while John Mansook, chair of the Greens, was selected as the Hampstead and Kilburn candidate.

That said, a resolution was passed to speak to the other parties about Hampstead and Kilburn, where the Greens are a long way back and surely can’t win, but could eat into Labour MP Tulip Siddiq’s defence of the seat from the Conservatives. We’ve seen here before how every vote can count. UKIP still believe their votes prevented the Tories from winning in 2010 when the margin of victory was only 42.

These talks of  ‘progressive alliances’, however, need a bit of a give and take, and the most gung ho Greens want to know what Labour or Ms Siddiq can offer in return.